Version Number

  • Concurrency
  • Data access
  • Microservices
About 2 min

Name / classification

Version Number.

Also known as

Entity Versioning, Optimistic Locking.


Resolve concurrency conflicts when multiple clients are trying to update same entity simultaneously.


Real world example

Alice and Bob are working on the book, which stored in the database. Our heroes are making changes simultaneously, and we need some mechanism to prevent them from overwriting each other.

In plain words

Version Number pattern grants protection against concurrent updates to same entity.

Wikipedia says

Optimistic concurrency control assumes that multiple transactions can frequently complete without interfering with each other. While running, transactions use data resources without acquiring locks on those resources. Before committing, each transaction verifies that no other transaction has modified the data it has read. If the check reveals conflicting modifications, the committing transaction rolls back and can be restarted.

Programmatic Example

We have a Book entity, which is versioned, and has a copy-constructor:

public class Book {
  private long id;
  private String title = "";
  private String author = "";

  private long version = 0; // version number

  public Book(Book book) { =;
    this.title = book.title; =;
    this.version = book.version;

  // getters and setters are omitted here

We also have BookRepository, which implements concurrency control:

public class BookRepository {
  private final Map<Long, Book> collection = new HashMap<>();

  public void update(Book book) throws BookNotFoundException, VersionMismatchException {
    if (!collection.containsKey(book.getId())) {
      throw new BookNotFoundException("Not found book with id: " + book.getId());

    var latestBook = collection.get(book.getId());
    if (book.getVersion() != latestBook.getVersion()) {
      throw new VersionMismatchException(
        "Tried to update stale version " + book.getVersion()
          + " while actual version is " + latestBook.getVersion()

    // update version, including client representation - modify by reference here
    book.setVersion(book.getVersion() + 1);

    // save book copy to repository
    collection.put(book.getId(), new Book(book));

  public Book get(long bookId) throws BookNotFoundException {
    if (!collection.containsKey(bookId)) {
      throw new BookNotFoundException("Not found book with id: " + bookId);

    // return copy of the book
    return new Book(collection.get(bookId));

Here's the concurrency control in action:

var bookId = 1;
// Alice and Bob took the book concurrently
final var aliceBook = bookRepository.get(bookId);
final var bobBook = bookRepository.get(bookId);

aliceBook.setTitle("Kama Sutra"); // Alice has updated book title
bookRepository.update(aliceBook); // and successfully saved book in database"Alice updates the book with new version {}", aliceBook.getVersion());

// now Bob has the stale version of the book with empty title and version = 0
// while actual book in database has filled title and version = 1
bobBook.setAuthor("Vatsyayana Mallanaga"); // Bob updates the author
try {"Bob tries to update the book with his version {}", bobBook.getVersion());
  bookRepository.update(bobBook); // Bob tries to save his book to database
} catch (VersionMismatchException e) {
  // Bob update fails, and book in repository remained untouchable"Exception: {}", e.getMessage());
  // Now Bob should reread actual book from repository, do his changes again and save again

Program output:

Alice updates the book with new version 1
Bob tries to update the book with his version 0
Exception: Tried to update stale version 0 while actual version is 1

Class diagram

alt text
Version Number pattern class diagram


Use Version Number for:

  • resolving concurrent write-access to the data
  • strong data consistency


Known uses


Version Number pattern allows to implement a concurrency control, which is usually done via Optimistic Offline Lock pattern.
